Looking for something super EZ?

With Expat EZ, filing is a breeze.

For uncomplicated returns that match uncomplicated lifestyles, EZ is the simple, no-extras-needed solution from Expat Tax Professionals that gets you from “how do I file” to “that was super easy” in about an hour of your time.

See if EZ is Right For You
See if EZ is Right For You

About One Hour of Your Time.

Just fill out our easy online information-gathering tool in about an hour or less, on your terms, at your convenience. It’s that simple. You’re in control but we do all the work.

One Flat Fee. No Exceptions.

For just $299, you get a complete, accurate and hassle-free tax return, and peace of mind. What’s more valuable than that?

About One Day To Proces Your Return.

Our returns typically take around 24 hours. In about one day, you’ll be on your way. We just need a few details to get started, and soon your return will be in your hands.

Expat, Expert, and EZ

A simple solution just for you.

Filing expat taxes doesn't need to be complicated.

And going overseas shouldn’t mean going it alone. With Expat EZ, we give you a simple, self-directed, online tax platform that you can count on. It means you get answers you can trust, results in record time, and a solution that works for your uncomplicated lifestyle. Your days of waiting and worrying are over.


Flat rate filing that offers real value.

For one fee, you get a return you can trust and that improves your financial position. No hidden costs, no additional fees after the fact – when we say one fee, we mean it.

Qualifying takes minutes.

To find out if EZ is for you, just answer a few simple questions. We'll review your answers and let you know if you are a candidate for Expat EZ.
* Please select the country of residence
* Please select the tax year

While EZ is easy, you may want the peace of mind that comes from our broader expertise.

Some returns are more complex, and sometimes you want access to a broader range of services.

If this sounds like something for you, Expat Tax Professionals may be the better answer for your unique needs. With ETP you get our robust digital tools, backed by a full team of CPAs, EAs and U.S. tax attorneys.